What is a Corneal Abrasion?
The cornea is the clear, transparent, front surface of the eye. A corneal abrasion is a scratch to the cornea. Just like scratches elsewhere in the body, it can be quite painful because there are nerve endings in the cornea. Maintaining a clear and healthy cornea is essential to clear vision.
Corneal abrasions are one of the most common forms of eye injury. Most corneal abrasions are superficial injuries that involve only the surface layer of the cornea. Although these abrasions can be very painful, they do not usually cause permanent vision problems when treated appropriately. |
How Did I Get a Corneal Abrasion?
Corneal abrasions may occur in children or adults. Common causes include:
Symptoms of a Corneal Abrasion
Depending on the cause, symptoms can vary in intensity:
Treatment of Corneal Abrasion
Treatment will vary depending on the cause and severity of the abrasion. Recommended treatment may include: